Perseverance Furthers

This Puppet show explores narratives based on elements of the Yi-Ching Book of changes and the Divinatory system it embodies.

The main Character, Dr. Persey V. Further is a scientist specializing in the general field of Change, which ends up looking a lot like a fortune teller. They are a life size puppet made mostly out of recycled furniture parts, built around a Chandelier like core structure of a Yi-Ching Hexagram.

Partial performance elements of Perseverance Furthers participated in the Arcata PuppetSlam of 2022 and 2023.

The Gold Fish Casino

I am proud to say it is finally finished!

It has been many years now working with Sarolta Vey Cump and many other amazing queer water creatures.

From play to motion picture, from music and production design, to sets and costumes, to editing and animating… I’ve been watering this project for so long its nice to see it finally take off.

it is beautiful , it is inspiring… it premiered at the SF Transgender Film Festival, and will hopefully be available to a wider audience very soon.

Wood Horse Dream Cycle

The wood horse dream cycle  was a fashion performance at the Sewn Seeds

a fashion show benefit for the opening of Oakland Woman Center in west oakland

I was one of 5 participating local Oakland fashion designers

The theme was based on the chinese year of the wood horse, with an astrological overview of the years themes. 6 models in one piece onesies walked on to the runway fully accessorized to participate in a picnic with a tarot twist at the end.